
Speaker "Avinash Malladhi" Details Back



Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Fraud and Forensic Accounting: Implications for National Economies


The transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the accounting field, with particular emphasis on fraud detection and forensic accounting. The main objective is to ascertain how AI's enhanced capabilities can strengthen fraud and forensic accounting practices, subsequently influencing national economies. As fraudulent activities and accounting malpractices become increasingly sophisticated, traditional accounting methods have shown limitations. With its advanced analytical and predictive abilities, offers promising solutions to these challenges.
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Avinash Malladhi is an experienced professional in AI and FinTech, with a track record of implementing AI solutions for accounting processes across more than 20 countries. Combining technical mastery in AI, OCR, and automated accounting processes with deep business acumen, Avinash has been instrumental in driving transformative change in financial operations. His expertise has led to frequent speaking engagements at global conferences, judge and panelist roles at industry events, and collaboration with universities to design progressive AI, ML, and FinTech curricula. A holder of an MBA, a FinTech credential from Harvard, and a prospective CPA, Avinash's potent blend of education fortifies his robust understanding of the intersections of technology, finance, and business. At Calumet Specialty Products, Avinash in his role as SAP Manager he propels technological innovation as leader of the SAP OpenText team. Outside his primary role, Avinash consults with various companies to assess and refine their AI strategies, and shares his FinTech insights as an international blogger. His widespread contributions underline his status as a global authority in AI, OCR, and FinTech, significantly impacting the evolution of modern accounting and financial processes.