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SK Reddy
Chief Product Officer AI & ML
AI opens more doors to Personal Finance Management (PFM)
AI is making dramatic inroads into Personal Finance to solve problems that were earlier thought to be impossible. How to better predict if the loan will be repaid? How to find customers who will engage more with us, say for loans, credit cards, etc.? How to know what my customers are thinking? How to influence the behavior of my current and future customers? What are the new revenue sources in PFM? These are some of the enterprise challenges that could be addressed using AI.
Some specific enterprise level use cases that I would like to discuss are predicting credit worthiness of thin-file customers from digital foot-prints, predicting impact of news on stock price, right portfolio structure and blends, cleaning up of documents before using to info-extraction or sentiment detection, a robust method to detect anomalies and novelties, and some gamification ideas that help customers using PFM apps.
Audience: Beginners and intermediate skills in AI
Pre-requisites: Rudimentary understanding of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Take-aways: Attendees will learn AI techniques on how to solve use cases in Personal Finance Management and get to know some online references to do further research.
SK is an AI expert, a successful twice startup entrepreneur, speaks regularly to audiences around the globe and is an AI blogger. His roles include Chief Product Officer, Chief Data Scientist, VP, etc., in large and small corporations. Rutgers University invited him to be on their Board for Big Data.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/skreddy99/
Blogs: www.linkedin.com/in/skreddy99/detail/recent-activity/posts/
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/user/skreddy99/videos