
Speaker "Pawel Piwosz" Details Back



Architect CI/CD on Enterprise level


CI/CD seems to be simple. But let's take a step back, and look at it from a helicopter view. Let's think about the design CI/CD processes for the project, team, even organization. Let's go through "architecture of CI/CD". What areas should we cover? How to talk with Stakeholders about CI/CD when we design the backbone of DevOps driven Organization?
Who is this presentation for?
People involved in create the approach to CI/CD for the Organization. Architects, when NFRs are discussed,, DevOps, when scale is growing, Leaders and managers, when they want to organize and manage the large scale DevOps operations.
Prerequisite knowledge:
It is not really required, but familiarity with CI/CD, architectural NFRs, DevOps scaling will help better understand the topic.
What you'll learn?
How to switch the mindset from Pipeline to process for Organization.


DevOps Institute Ambassador. CD.Foundation Ambassador. AWS Community Builder. Engineer, leader, mentor, speaker. My focus is on CALMS. I am building better understanding of DevOps as driver for the organization. And currently I am leading the DevOps and Cloud Academy at EPAM Systems Poland, where we are shaping new engineers to be professionals. I am devoted to Serverless and CI/CD.