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Powering the Digital Economy Using Cognitive Computing


Utilities around the world are deploying situational intelligence applications to correlate, analyze, and visualize business, operational and IoT data, spatially, over time and across network nodes. The resulting 360-degree view of the enterprise provides many benefits for their work in powering the digital economy.

Our situational intelligence applications use cognitive computing, based on Kolmogorov Complexity, for real-time analysis of time series and text from connected devices.

This presentation features three use cases from utilities: diagnosing smart meters in real time, predicting power outages and optimizing spare part replacement on wind turbines.


Paul Hofmann, PhD
Paul is Chief Technology Officer at Saffron Technology. Before joining Saffron Paul was Vice President Research at SAP Labs in the heart of Silicon Valley. His background is entrenched in research as Senior Scientist and Assistant Professor at outstanding European and American Universities (Northwestern University, U.S., Munich Institue of Technology and Darmstadt Institue of Technology, Germany) and he is an expert in computer simulations and graphics (Ph.D., research and teaching in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory), authoring numerous publications and books, including a book on SCM and environmental information systems as well as performance management and productivity of supply chains. Paul was visiting scientist at MIT, Cambridge in 2009.
Paul joined SAP in 2001 as Director for Business Development EMEA SAP AG. Paul has created the Value Based Selling program for SAP in EMEA. Prior to joining SAP, Paul was Plant Manager at BASF's Catalysts Global Business Unit. After joining BASF 1989, Paul headed the development of object-oriented production planning and scheduling software for BASF's plants in its IT division. He implemented SAP's Business Suite in BASF's Chemicals Division.
Paul received his Ph.D. in Physics at the Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, after completing his Bachelor in biotechnology and a master's degree in Chemistry from the University of Vienna.