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Edward Mabanglo
Principal - Digital Analytics
Time-to-Event Modeling of Nordstrom Returns
Nordstrom is known for its legendary customer service including a generous merchandise return policy. Given that, this presentation will focus on time-to-event or survival analysis to glean possible insights to try and develop marketing tactics to mitigate returns. Time-to-event analysis, also known as survival, hazard, and failure analysis has been in use a long time particularly in the medical world, where doctors often want to understand which treatments help patients survive longer. In recent years this technique has gained traction for understanding consumer behavior. This workshop will present survival data mining in practice using Excel and data from our web analytics tool.
Edward is Principal - Digital Analytics at Nordstrom, an American upscale fashion retailer. Previously, he was Senior Manager, Advanced Analytics for North America at Travelocity. Edward has more than 25 years of marketing, finance, and analytics experience, with Macy’s, Citicorp, Bank of America, Mervyn’s, NBC Internet, Eddie Bauer, and Microsoft. Edward also was an Adjunct Professor of Marketing at the University of San Francisco, and a lecturer at U.C. Berkeley Extension. When away from work, Edward enjoys playing Gypsy jazz and swing jazz on his 1947 Gibson L-7 archtop guitar.