Speaker "JIAN CHANG" Details Back
Data Scientist
AI-enabled Smart Transportation at City Scale
Traffic congestion has become one of the largest annoyances to countries like the United States and China, when it comes to economic competitiveness, livability, safety, and long-term environmental sustainability. Congestion on freeways and roads is a major component of and contributor to delay. Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Connected Vehicles provide opportunities to mitigate traffic congestion. As one of the largest technology provider in China, Asiainfo Data is leading a city-scale Smart Transportation project in City of Wuxi, one of the national centers for IoT innovation in China. In this talk, we would like to share our real-world experiences in using AI and big data technologies to implement cutting-edge technologies transformation of Wuxi’s transportation systems. In this project, we collaborate with China Telecom, the Traffic Management Research Institute, smart vehicle markers and many influential researchers on traffic management worldwide. We will show case scenarios on public transportation prioritization, car-road coordination, and region-wide traffic signal optimization by utilizing AI modeling and the most advanced IoT technologies.