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Eitan Cadouri
Applying machine Learning technique to build investment strategies
The presentation we'll present the real world challenges of implementing machine learning based trading strategies for both intra-day trading and overnight strategies. We'll present some of the challenges in data gathering to algorithmic problem to market orders.
Seegnals is located in Cupertino, California. Our team has proven track records in developing advanced algorithms, techniques, and products. The partners and co-founders hold seven patents in the area of optimization, have published more than 40 papers in scientific journals, and collectively have more than 100 years of experience in developing complex software tools. The company was founded by Eitan Cadouri in November 2007. Previously, Eitan Cadouri was the founder of WaferYield, a company that developed software to improve the yield and the productivity of semiconductor manufacturing. WaferYield was acquired by PDF Solutions. In July 2003 Eitan was appointed V.P. of R&D of the Physical Verification group at Cadence Design Systems, a position which he held until July 2007. In November 2007 Eitan founded HNL Ventures. Eitan has been an active investor for the last 15 years.