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Apache Cassandra Bootcamp


Prepare yourself for a deep dive into using Apache Cassandra for your next project. This will be presented in four parts in order to give you the best coverage on topics. Introduction to Cassandra: This is a crash course introduction to Cassandra. You'll step away understanding how it's possible to to utilize this distributed database to achieve high availability across multiple data centers, scale out as your needs grow, and not be woken up at 3am just because a server failed. Introduction to Data Modeling: Relational systems have always been built on the premise of modeling relationships. As you will see, static schema, one-to-one, many-to-many still have a place in Cassandra. From the familiar, we’ll go into the specific differences in Cassandra and tricks to make your application fast and resilient. Basic Cassandra Operations: The internal battle has been fought, and Cassandra is your group's NoSQL platform of choice! Hooray! But now what? This talk will introduce you to all the basic operations concepts you need to know to start your foray into the wonderful world of Cassandra off right. Advanced Data Modeling and analysis with Apache Spark: We will discuss how the storage model of Cassandra is well suited for different patterns and go over examples of how best to build data models. There will also be examples of how you can use Apache Spark along with Apache Cassandra to create a real time data analytics platform. It’s so easy, you will be shocked and ready to try it yourself.


Rachel Pedreschi is the Lead Technical Evangelist at DataStax. A " Data Geek-ette," Rachel is no stranger to the world of high performance databases and data warehouses. She is a Vertica, Informix and Redbrick certified DBA on top of her work with Cassandra and has more than 15 years of business intelligence and ETL tool experience. Rachel has an MBA from San Francisco State University and a BA in Mathematics from University of California, Santa Cruz. She loves collecting new interesting experiences, including being on a game show when she was a kid, floating down underground rivers in an inner tube, and scuba diving with lemon sharks. Her current new experience is juggling a 3-year old and 6-year old boys while trying to stay sane.