
Speaker "VINAY CHELLA" Details Back



Cassandra @ Netflix


Cassandra @ Netflix The CDE (Cloud Database Engineering) team runs Cassandra as a service, at Netflix. One of the biggest challenges is to ensure up-time and minimal impact to our services when clusters are undergoing maintenance, like upgrades. With a huge number of clusters to support, this talk will cover how we run, approach, plan and execute Cassandra at scale. This will cover the infrastructure used and lessons learned to run our production clusters at scale


Vinay Chella, Cloud Data Architect, Netflix, Inc. Vinay Chella is a Cloud Data Architect at Netflix, having a deeper understanding of Cassandra and other RDBMS. As an Engineer and Architect, working extensively on data modeling, performance tuning and guiding best practices of various persistence stores. Helping various teams at Netflix building next generation data access layers.