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Why Are Organizations Focusing on Data Security? Posted on : Jun 06 - 2022

Data breaches are becoming more common than ever. The International Association of Privacy Professionals reports that there were 1,862 data breaches in 2021 alone. This figure is growing by the year.

Organizations must make data security a top priority. Those that do not risk bankruptcy, as the costs of data breaches are horrifying.

Rising Data Breaches Have Made Greater Data Security a Necessity

Data is often dubbed as a digital gold in the modern era. No organization or business can function without processing relevant data. Additionally, in many countries, corporations are legally obliged to maintain certain data security standards to ensure that their employees’ and consumers’ data are safe.

Additionally, when we classify the data that these corporations hold, we find that some of them are so sensitive that they are central to the operation. Therefore, data security has become the need of the hour. With the evolution of digital technology, cybercrime has also evolved.

extract crucial information. Such information is openly traded in the black market leading to a huge loss of profit. In this article, we will try to decipher the reasons behind organizations’ newfound obsession with data security.

Cyber-attacks are no joke

How serious are data breaches? They are so serious that one out of every eight companies will be shut down by a data breach.

A cyber-attack can hurt your company’s image in the market. Today, it is crucial for businesses to have an online presence, which means they collect tons of consumer data. Therefore, loss of data due to a cyber-attack would mean that your company does not value its consumers’ privacy and does not implement the necessary steps to ensure data protection. View More