
Speaker "Sinan Gurman" Details Back



Value Analytics - Journey to Big Data & Insights Driven Business


In a digitally driven physical world of increasingly connected people, businesses and things, customers are more empowered than ever before. With increasing number of data points, businesses are facing intense competition to create more financial value in less time.  Understanding the motivational and operational forces behind their value network (realization of self as well as customers’ and business partners’ actions and behaviors) is key for making the right decisions that create value. Ability to scale this value up as quickly and confidently as possible across the organization and to sustain it are other crucial steps.  Regardless of how good or bad / slow or fast you are in making those decisions today, we will review a value adding approach, proven with multiple leading global CPG’s and Retailers, and accelerate you in the journey of a Big Data & Insights driven business.  

