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Nirav Shah
Onpoint Insights LLC
Work Shop - Intro to Data Science and Machine Learning in Python
Work Shop - Intro to Data Science and Machine Learning in Python
Nirav Shah is the Founder of OnPoint Insights, a data analytics, software services and staff augmentation consultancy based in Boston. He has 15 years of industry experience - mainly in consulting on data analytics, big data modeling, process analytics and real-time data solutions, and training customers in data analytics,dashboards and data visualization.
He consults and teaches in applying data analytics for manufacturing, operations, supply chain, process control strategies with clients to improve manufacturing process and operational efficiency. He has implemented real- time process monitoring data analytics and fault detection systems for leading bio-pharma customers and clients from other industries such as chemical, pulp and paper, food and beverages. He helps customers in providing better process insights using data driven solutions.
He is also an Adjunct Professor at University of Massachusetts in Boston where he teaches Engineering Process Analytics, a graduate level class in Engineering Department, teaches Business Analytics and Dashboard Visualization at a technical college and conducts BootCamps and Workshops at General Assembly Boston. He has taught courses and conducted workshops to industry clients on Multivariate Data Analysis for ten years. He has spoken at various conferences ( ODSC East Boston, ODSC India, Global AI).
He completed his dual Masters in Chemical and Computer Engineering from University of Massachusetts and an MBA in Entrepreneurship from Babson College.