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Chris Requena
Boston New Technology
Keynote Panel: AI Adoption In Healthcare: Real-World Use Cases
Keynote Panel: AI Adoption In Healthcare: Real-World Use Cases
Chris is an app/software innovator, business grower, community builder and people connector. Chris has 20 years of experience in leading software, web and app development projects for businesses of all types, sizes and stages. He greatly enjoys collaborating with clients and users to design and build innovative solutions that solve problems! For 6 years, Chris has been co-running app development firm, Mobinett Interactive, where he co-founded hubEngage, a platform for employee communication and engagement. For 6 years, Chris has also led the operations and growth of Boston New Technology, to become one of the top tech and startup meetup groups in the world. BNT helps startups get significant publicity and free support from the community through networking and live presentations at free monthly events, digital marketing and exclusive opportunities and services from BNT's network. Chris is now working on an innovative solution to help companies publicize their content.