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Michael Mathews
http://www.oru.edu <-- Oral Roberts University-->
Michael L. Mathews (Mike), CIO at Oral Roberts University has over 24-years of experience as a senior-level IT executive bringing creative solutions that value the endusers of technology and business process management. Mike has assisted many higher education institutions in identifying mechanisms to improve both the strategic and operational effectiveness of their academic and administrative information technology investments. These activities include development of new organizational models, 5-7 year strategic plans, IT governance, online program market studies, online learning delivery models, online programs, and state-wide and national award winning initiatives. Two of the national initiatives include national studies on the alignment of student success with campus technology. In 2012-2013 Mike led a major national initiative that earned him two invitations to the White House, speaker at national educational conferences, and a national summit on U.S. academic policy as part of his innovation in education. The innovation called the Educational and Career Positioning System is under U.S. Patent, and has won two national education awards in 2012/13, including the 2013 Innovator of the Year by Campus Technology. The innovation has been published by EDUCAUSE (August, 2013) as a leading disruptive technology for U.S. and global education. These solutions have benefited the end-users of higher education, manufacturing, and high technology company products. Mike has held positions as a chief information officer, general manager of CIOs, chief strategist for innovation, business development officer, trainer, teacher, and vice president of academic services for leading corporations and higher education. Mike has been a CIO within higher education for over 12 years. Mike has a deep and rich work history including 12-years at Cray Research as an instructor and global training manager; as well as 10-years at SunGard Higher Education where he served as chief information officer, and vice president of academic services. In these roles he has influenced 100s of research, energy, chemical, and manufacturing companies, as well as over twenty community colleges, universities, and statewide systems. Mike’s dual experience in business and education along with working knowledge of seven Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems has allowed him to quickly assess business process and technology innovation that creatively impacts products, process, students, and society. Mike has earned associate and bachelor degrees, as well as many certificates from institutions ranging from Dunwoody Institute of Technology, UW-Madison, UW-Stout, UCLA, Harvard Business School, and Global University. Mike has completed Master level programs in online teaching and learning from UCLA as part of his Master’s degree. Mike has been trained on computer systems ranging from PCs to Cray supercomputers. In addition, he has specialized training and certification on business processes management, and is trained to work on seven major student information systems/ERP systems including Banner, Datatel, PeopleSoft, SAP, JD Edwards, MAPICS, and Oracle.