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Richard Boire
Environics Analytics
Determining True Non Linear Variable Relationships and Enhancement of Property Insurance Risk Models
Building Property Insurance Risk Models was a relatively new area of focus for our group. During the model discovery stage, a number of non linear patterns emerged from our variable and exploratory data analysis. Our challenge was to determine whether these relationships were indeed noise or in fact represented viable business patterns that needed to be captured in the model. Vetting our results with key domain business experts, we were able to transform these variables to better reflect the non-linear relationship. These transformations yielded significant model improvement with an ROI increase of 50%.
Richard Boire's experience in database marketing and predictive analytics dates back to 1983, when he received an MBA from Concordia University in Finance and Statistics. His initial experience at organizations such as Reader’s Digest and American Express allowed him to become a pioneer in the application of predictive modelling technology for all direct marketing programs. This extended to the introduction of models which targeted the acquisition of new customers based on return on investment. With this experience, Richard formed his own consulting company back in 1994 which is now called the Boire Filler Group, a Canadian leader in offering analytical and database services to companies seeking solutions to their existing predictive analytics or database marketing challenges. Richard is a recognized authority on predictive analytics and is among a very few, select top five experts in this field in Canada, with expertise and knowledge that is difficult, if not impossible to replicate in Canada. This expertise has evolved into international speaking assignments and workshop seminars in the U.S.A, England, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia. Within Canada, he gives seminars on segmentation and predictive analytics for such organizations as Canadian Marketing Association (CMA), Direct Marketing News, Direct Marketing Association Toronto, Association for Advanced Relationship Marketing(AARM) and Predictive Analytics World(PAW). His written articles have appeared in numerous Canadian publications such as Direct Marketing News, Strategy Magazine, and Marketing Magazine. He has taught applied statistics, data mining and database marketing at a variety of institutions across Canada which include University of Toronto, George Brown College, Seneca College, and currently Centennial College. Richard was Chair at the CMA’s Customer Insight and Analytics Committee and sat on the CMA’s Board of Directors from 2009-2012. He has chaired numerous full day conferences on behalf of the CMA(the 2000 Database and Technology Seminar as well as the 2002 Database and Technology Seminar and the first-ever Customer Profitability Conference in 2005. He has most recently chaired the Predictive Analytics World conferences in both 2013 and 2014 which were held in Toronto. He has co-authored white papers on the following topics: ‘Best Practices in Data Mining’ as well as ‘Customer Profitability: The State of Evolution among Canadian Companies’. In Oct. of 2014, his new book on “Data Mining for Managers - How to use Data(Big and Small) to Solve Business Problems” was published by Palgrave Macmillian