
Speaker "Arun Manoharan" Details Back



Apache Eagle: Secure your hadoop data


Apache Eagle is an Open Source Monitoring solution for Hadoop to instantly identify access to sensitive data, recognize attacks, malicious activities in hadoop and take actions in real time. Eagle provides out of the box machine learning models to create user profiles based on user behaviour and detects anomalies. Eagle leverages Kafka, Storm, Spark, Siddhi and HBase as core components of the platform.

Session Flow:
1. What are the Essentials components hadoop data security (Access Control, Data classification, Data encryption, Data Activity monitoring)
2. Introduction to Eagle data activity monitoring
3. Use Cases in Hadoop Security
4. Internals of Eagle (Architecture, Components, Scalable Design)
4. Scalability of Eagle (Learnings and Performance numbers from deployment @ eBay)
5. Policy management and extensibility of eagle framework
6. Machine learning models in Eagle to create user profiles
7. Demo of end to end use case and Eagle Open Source Contribution

In this session you will learn about how Eagle helps secure a hadoop cluster using policy based and machine learning user profile based detection and alerting. We will also cover how eagle is built with scalability and usability in mind.


Arun is a Sr. Product Manager at eBay. Currently managing the Apache Eagle product aimed at providing data activity monitoring and securing hadoop data in real time.