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The Need for Fair and Interpretable Models in Machine Learning


As machine learning systems are increasingly being integrated into various industries and everyday life, there is an increasing need to hold such systems accountable. Especially in domains like healthcare, finance and the criminal justice system if there is bias in the decisions made by machine leanring or AI powered systems then that have destating consequences. One way to mitigate such problems is via machine learning models which are interpretable and fair. This talk will elucidate the various notions of interpretability and explanations in AI and machine learning systems, and why they will become an integral feature of machine learning systems in the near future.


Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad is the Principal Data Scientist at KenSci which is a machine learning and AI Health informatics company focused on risk reduction across the care continuum in healthcare. His current research is focused on risk modeling in healthcare, the development and deployment of interpretable machine learning models in healthcare. He received PhD in Computer Science from University of Minnesota. He has published more than 50 research papers in top computer science conferences. He has given multiple tutorials on behavioral modeling in online games, modeling trust and social networks in healthcare. He isalsoan affiliate Assistant Professor at University of Washington