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Deep Learning solutions for smart cities


Deep earning has further made it easy to solve Smart City challenges. How to predict the sentiment of people in the mall? How to prevent a crime using regular surveillance cameras? How to predict traffic? How to use satellite images to plan for city expansion?

How to predict the quality of my city services? How to auto-analyze social media feed for trigger-based city-safety actions? These are some of the problems that could be solved using Artificial Intelligence.

Cities and organizations need to understand the importance of quality of data and the right models to pick.

I would like to discuss a few Deep Learning based solutions for Smart City use cases.


SK is an AI expert, a successful twice startup entrepreneur, speaks regularly to audiences around the globe and is an AI blogger. His roles include Chief Product Officer, Chief Data Scientist, VP, etc., in large and small corporations. Rutgers University invited him to be on their Board for Big Data.  
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