
Speaker "Ahmed Bakhaty" Details Back



Filling in Missing Data: Matrix Completion


In practice, missing data is a rampant issue, particularly in frontier spaces that make use of high-dimensional data. The simplest way to remedy the issue is to fill in missing entries with statistics like mean or median; more intelligent methods include expectation-maximization and multiple imputations, though these methods are not quite scalable. The compressed-sensing literature offers a solution to this problem via matrix completion, which guarantees to recover missing data exactly given only a small number of sampled entries. Matrix completion is both scalable and, as recently shown in a paper, guaranteed to converge to a globally-optimal solution. In this talk, we will review the original matrix completion algorithm, several improvements and variations, and provide applications.


I am finishing up my PhD at UC Berkeley in Computational Science and Engineering. I am also completing M.S. degrees in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. My dissertation is on the multiscale modeling of aortic valve: an interdisciplinary endeavor between the Civil, Mechanical, and Bioengineering departments. My technical interests are in computational science & engineering, performance programming, computational mathematics, numerical optimization, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. I specialize in writing fast and efficient algorithms for computationally intensive simulations.