
Speaker "Shiv Malik" Details Back



Who owns your data? Empowering consumers to take control of their information.


A 40 min panel on the ways in which consumers will own and monetize their own data in the near future through their cell phone, car and even the lights in their home. In the last few months we've seen the dark side of the data economy rear its head. Big Data has become a dirty word. Blockchain and decentralisation have made a lot of promises but can they also tackle the data economy and give consumers back control of their information let them keep the revenue they are generating for Silicon Valley?


Shiv Malik is a former Guardian investigative ​journalist, author of two books and a co-founder of the Intergenerational Foundation think tank. He has previously advised the Golem project and is currently head of communications for Streamr where he evanglises about a new decentralised data economy.