
Speaker "Mady Mantha" Details Back



Effective Enterprise Grade Machine Learning that Drives Measurable Value


Recently, we’ve seen a lot of advancements in deep learning, NLP and ML that allow us to think about how AI and ML applications can transform businesses and meet business outcomes. This talk will provide an overview of today’s AI and machine learning climate, and touch upon conversational AI and ML use cases that drive value. We will discuss effective AI strategies, including augmenting processes with scalable machine learning so that human systems can delegate the mundane and focus on innovation. We’ll talk about the various components that make pragmatic machine learning successful, such as robust NLP, neural network-powered dialogue systems, meaningful insights and continuous learning cycles. We’ll conclude with ways to overcome the various challenges in further advancing data-driven ML systems.
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Mady Mantha is the director of AI/ML and a machine learning architect with nearly 10 years of experience in the technology industry, focusing on conversational AI, NLP, multi-task learning, and reinforcement learning. She graduated from Georgetown University and is a space enthusiast.