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The Upcoming Year in Big Data: A 2022 Preview Posted on : Jan 13 - 2022

The world of big data is a never-ending roller coaster of new technologies, new techniques, and an ever-growing tsunami of data. As we roll into 2022, we turn to the community of big data practitioners and solution providers for insight into what trends might move the needle in the new year.

Data architectures are in a state of flux at the moment. According to Ravi Shankar, the SVP and CMO at data virtualization provider Denodo, the related concepts of data fabric and data mesh should be on your radar.

“In 2022, organizations will create a data fabric to drive enterprise-wide data and analytics and to automate many of the data exploration, ingestion, integration, and preparation tasks,” Shankar says. “By enabling organizations to choose their preferred tools, these data fabrics will reduce time-to-delivery and make it a preferred data management approach in the coming year.”

Similarly, the data mesh (which has similarities and differences in respect to data fabrics) become more enticing. “As organizations grow in size and complexity, central data teams are forced to deal with a wide array of functional units and associated data consumers,” Shankar says. “This makes it difficult to understand the data requirements for all cross functional teams and offer the right set of data products to their consumers. Data mesh is a new decentralized data architecture approach for data analytics that aims to remove bottlenecks and take data decisions closer to those who understand the data.”

If you’re building your big data architecture atop a data warehouse foundation, Tomer Shiran, founder and CPO of Dremio, would like a word with you.

“We hear it again and again: data warehouses are expensive, and costs are out of control. Newer technologies like data lakehouses will gain even more traction in 2022 because they have more to offer the enterprise than older data warehouse models that lock them in and drive up costs,” Shiran says. View More