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NoSQL database types explained: Column-oriented databases Posted on : Sep 23 - 2021

Learn about the uses of column-oriented databases and the large data model, data warehouses and high-performance querying benefits the NoSQL database brings to organizations.

In the effort to meet the increasing demand for data storage and accommodate data variety in the most efficient way, there is a growing tendency to opt for nonstandard database types. For years relational databases have been the norm. However, as requirements change and storage prices drop, people often choose to go with non-relational databases.

Columnar databases fit this description. These are NoSQL databases built for highly analytical, complex-query tasks. Unlike relational databases, columnar databases store their data by columns, rather than by rows. These columns are gathered to form subgroups.

The keys and the column names of this type of database are not fixed. Columns within the same column family, or cluster of columns, can have a different number of rows and can accommodate different types of data and names.

These databases are most often utilized when there is a need for a large data model. They are very useful for data warehouses, or when there is a need for high performance or handling intensive querying.

How column-oriented databases work

Relational databases have a set schema and they function as tables of rows and columns. Wide-column databases have a similar, but different schema. They also have rows and columns. However, they are not fixed within a table, but have a dynamic schema. Each column is stored separately. If there are similar (related) columns, they are joined into column families and then the column families are stored separately from other column families.

The row key is the first column in each column family, and it serves as an identifier of a row. Furthermore, each column after that has a column key (name). It identifies columns within rows and thus enables the querying of the columns. The value and the timestamp come after the column key, leaving a trace of when the data was entered or modified.

The number of columns pertaining to each row, or their name, can vary. In other words, not every column of a column family, and thus a database, has the same number of rows. In fact, even though they might share their name, each column is contained within one row and does not run across all rows. View More