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Machine learning algorithms and the art of hyperparameter selection Posted on : Nov 11 - 2019

Machine learning algorithms are used everywhere from a smartphone to a spacecraft. They tell you the weather forecast for tomorrow, translate from one language into another, and suggest what TV series you might like next on Netflix.

These algorithms automatically adjust (learn) their internal parameters based on data. However, there is a subset of parameters that is not learned and that have to be configured by an expert. Such parameters are often referred to as “hyperparameters” — and they have a big impact on our lives as the use of AI increases.

For example, the tree depth in a decision tree model and the number of layers in an artificial neural network are typical hyperparameters. The performance of a model can drastically depend on the choice of its hyperparameters. A decision tree can yield good results for moderate tree depth and have very bad performance for very deep trees.

The choice of the optimal hyperparameters is more art than science, if we want to run it manually. Indeed, the optimal selection of the hyperparameter values depends on the problem at hand.

Since the algorithms, the goals, the data types, and the data volumes change considerably from one project to another, there is no single best choice for hyperparameter values that fits all models and all problems. Instead, hyperparameters must be optimized within the context of each machine learning project.

In this article, we’ll start with a review of the power of an optimization strategy and then provide an overview of four commonly used optimization strategies:

  • Grid search
  • Random search
  • Hill climbing
  • Bayesian optimization

The optimization strategy

Even with in-depth domain knowledge by an expert, the task of manual optimization of the model hyperparameters can be very time-consuming. An alternative approach is to set aside the expert and adopt an automatic approach. An automatic procedure to detect the optimal set of hyperparameters for a given model in a given project in terms of some performance metric is called an optimization strategy. View More