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11 Ways Novices Can Start the Process of Learning AI Programming Posted on : Sep 13 - 2019

Artificial intelligence systems represent a pretty exciting area of study: There is a good-sized call for people with the skills needed, and the technology is still developing and growing. However, it can be difficult to figure out how best to get involved with the tech, especially if you’re wanting to learn on your own.

Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available for beginners to build up their knowledge and skills—or even figure out whether this path is for them. To find out more, we asked a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council the following:

What is the most important thing novices or programmers should know if they’re interested in learning more about AI development?

Here’s what they said:

1. Understand The Math Behind Machine Learning

AI development professionals must grasp probabilities, which serve as the foundation for machine learning. Traditional software developers often use functions from online libraries which relieves them from having to actually do the math themselves. AI developers need to be able to write and understand complex algorithms so that they can move on to finding insights and patterns inside data. – Blair Thomas, eMerchantBroker

2. Build a Strong Foundation, First

Before starting with AI, a strong foundation needs to be laid down for it. Get down with mastering the basics of programming (Python is one of the best programming languages for machine learning) and mathematics (linear algebra, statistics and calculus). Hone your abstract thinking. You don’t need a professional degree to master AI and ML, but you do need boundless passion. – Rahul Varshneya, ResumeSeed

3. Brush Up On Python

AI is developing at a rapid pace and those that can work with AI will find themselves ahead of the competition. Python is the programming language of choice as it is easy to understand and write, has many libraries and has a significant user community. Python supports advanced machine learning and deep learning implementations of popular frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch and Keras. – Susan Rebner, Cyleron, Inc.

4. Search The Internet For Free Resources And Online Courses

If you are interested in learning more about AI development, start very simple: Google. There are tons of free resources, articles and online courses one can find to introduce themselves to the quickly growing world of AI development. Free resources offer a new programmer an easy, low-risk way of getting involved in AI to see if it is something you would like to explore. – David Chen, Sharebert View More