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Quickly learn a new language with AI-powered Lingvist Posted on : Aug 17 - 2019

I become addicted to learning a new language with the Lingvist language software within a day of using it.

Census data that shows that 231 million Americans speak only English at home and do not know another language well enough to communicate in it. But how can you learn a new language without going back to school?

Machine learning could be a solution to this problem, by cutting down on the 200 hours it takes to learn a language using traditional methods. Language company Lingvist intends to decrease this time by using machine learning software to adapt to your learning style.

The algorithm certainly seems to work well -- and the way certain words are reinforced makes sure that they stick in your mind.

Founded in 2013, Lingvist's roots began in the world of mathematics. Its co-founder, Mait Müntel, was part of the Higgs boson discovery team at CERN. Translating his math skills to language, Mait wanted to accelerate the language learning process for users.

The software currently is available in English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, and Estonian, and is growing quickly.

The free version of Lingvist enables you to learn up to 3,000 of the most frequent words for your selected language, or you can pay around $100 per year to learn 4,000 words.

It is a compelling app. Its starting page shows you how many new words you have learned today, and how many correct words you have managed in a streak. It encourages you to learn more and more words -- and get them right first time to improve your stats

To find the words taught, Lingvist analyzed millions of bits of data from news articles, film subtitles, and books, and built its courses around the words' statistical relevance.

For example, the word "money" appears before the word "school" in French, because it is more likely to come up in contemporary conversation.

The course adapts to the mistakes you make. It uses the spaced repetition formula, repeats incorrect words you have entered more frequently, and will rapidly move through words that are easier for you. View More