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The Fourth Industrial Revolution Built On Blockchain And Advanced With AI Posted on : Nov 30 - 2018

Blockchain technology is so synonymous with cryptocurrencies, and especially Bitcoin that it is almost like the financial sector has usurped its potential. In times like these, where an investing bear market has befallen the cryptocurrency space, it is easy to get down on the revolutionary possibilities of blockchain technology.

Since the original Blockchain, that is Bitcoin, emerged, there has been a considerable focus on transactional blockchains which have been at the forefront of the mainstream understanding of the technology. Bitcoin is often the layman’s first point of call with the stories of investing success stories obscuring the view of other possibilities.

However, blockchain technology is moving along in an undercurrent separate from the comings and goings of the cryptocurrency market and the financial interest it has garnered in just a few short years.

Ethereum and smart contracts have taken blockchain technology to a second generation where many different sectors are in the sights of its potential disruption. Even a third generation is being bandied about, with regards to Directed Acylic Graphs, but the fourth generation - which will be an essential part of the fourth industrial revolution - will need the help of some similar revolutionary technology. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been cutting a distinct but similar path through the nascent stage of technology development. Its uses and adoption have been growing, and its implementation has reached a critical point.

Both AI and blockchain are in situations where they can benefit from each other, and help one another, regarding reaching their next step on the road to this fourth industrial revolution. There is already evidence of this embryonic partnership beginning to blossom with many sectors feeling their twin disruptive powers.

The trifecta: Big data, AI, Blockchain

While blockchain and AI have been forging their paths with little overlap in their own past 10 years of existence, there is an clear link between the technologies in the form of data. Big Data’s emergence and importance recently have catalysed the relationship between blockchain and AI.

The biggest reason for this AI revolution is the advancements in Big Data. These recent developments have allowed businesses to organise a large amount of data into structured components which can be processed by computers very quickly. View More