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What is deep learning? Posted on : Oct 16 - 2018

Deep learning is a particular subset of machine learning (the mechanics of artificial intelligence). While this branch of programming can become very complex, it started with a very simple question: “If we want a computer system to act intelligently, why don’t we model it after the human brain?”

That one thought spawned many efforts in past decades to create algorithms that mimicked the way the human brain worked—and that could solve problems the way that humans did. Those efforts have yielded valuable, increasingly competent analysis tools that are used in many different fields.

The neural network and how it’s used

Deep learning gets its name from how it’s used to analyze “unstructured” data, or data that hasn’t been previously labeled by another source and may need definition. That requires careful analysis of what the data is, and repeated tests of that data to end up with a final, usable conclusion. Computers are not traditionally good at analyzing unstructured data like this.

Think about it in terms of writing: If you had ten people write the same word, that word would look very different from each person, from sloppy to neat, and from cursive to print. The human brain has no problem understanding that it’s all the same word, because it knows how words, writing, paper, ink, and personal quirks all work. A normal computer system, however, would have no way of knowing that those words are the same, because they all look so different.

That brings us to via neural networks, the algorithms specifically created to mimic the way that the neurons in the brain interact. Neural networks attempt to parse data the way that a mind can: Their goal is to deal with messy data—like writing—and draw useful conclusions, like the words that writing is attempting to show. It’s easiest to understand neural networks if we break them into three important parts:

The input layer: At the input layer, the neural network absorbs all the unclassified data that it is given. This means breaking down the information into numbers and turning them into bits of yes-or-no data, or “neurons”. If you wanted to teach a neural network to recognize words, then the input layer would be mathematically defining the shape of each letter, breaking it down into digital language so the network can start working. The input layer can be pretty simple or incredibly complex, depending on how easy it is to represent something mathematically.

The hidden layers: At the center of the neural network are hidden layers—anywhere from one to many. These layers are made of their own digital neurons, which are designed to activate or not activate based on the layer of neurons that precedes them. A single neuron is a basic “if this, then that“ model, but layers are made of long chains of neurons, and many different layers can influence each other, creating very complex results. The goal is to allow the neural network to recognize many different features and combine them into a single realization, like a child learning to recognize each letter and then forming them together to recognize a full word, even if that word is written a little sloppy. View More