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The Tipping Point for Artificial Intelligence Posted on : Jul 25 - 2018

Artificial intelligence is at a critical point in its evolution.

Over the last 500 years, human knowledge and intelligence has originated from evolution, experience, culture, and computers. In the not-so-distant future, most of the knowledge in the world is going to be extracted by machines and will reside in machines.

At this point, you might be imagining a future full of Terminators and I, Robot, but that’s a long, long way off from where we are today.

Coined in 1956 by Dartmouth Assistant Professor, John McCarthy, “AI is a general term that refers to hardware or software that exhibits behavior which appears intelligent.” AI is designed around how people think. It’s an emulation of human intelligence.

Where Are We Today?

AI has been in its alpha version for the last 60 years, and the next 10 years it will be in its beta version. We are living in a world where innovation is moving from a process-centric mindset to a human-centric mindset.

Whether you know it or not, you are using AI every day. Human-centric products are popping up everywhere. Think about it: Your dad is shopping on, your listening to music on Spotify, your children are watching cartoons on Netflix, and thousands of commuters are using Waze to navigate to their destinations daily.

These companies have invested the time and energy into developing a highly personalized user experience powered by AI-driven technology. We see the same trend in other companies like Uber, Airbnb, Spotify, and Netflix as they cater to changing human expectations.

AI is at its tipping point – its inflection point. The expectation? We’re either going to see an exponential increase or a catastrophic decline. We’re in what I call the AI Boom.

Why Now?

This AI Boom we are experiencing as a society ties back to five key reasons.

Extensive Data: Presently, there are 50 companies with over 300 million users. Think Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Alone, Instagram has 800 million monthly and 500 million daily active users. The data being collected on a daily basis is limitless. View More