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The 10 Step Guide to Mastering Machine Learning Posted on : May 21 - 2018

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are transforming the global economy, and companies that are quick to adopt these technologies will take $1.2 trillion from those who don’t. Businesses that fail to take advantage of predictive analytics, or don’t have the time or resources – like highly-trained (and expensive) data scientists – will fall behind organizations that embrace AI and machine learning to extract business value from their data.

Enter automated machine learning, a new class of solutions for accelerating and optimizing the predictive analytics process. Incorporating the experience and expertise of top data scientists, automated machine learning automates many of the complex and repetitive tasks required in traditional data science, while providing guardrails to ensure critical steps are not missed. The bottom line: data scientists are more productive and business analysts and other domain experts are transformed into “citizen data scientists” that have the ability to create AI solutions.

As more so-called “automated machine learning” tools are brought to market, often with limited feature sets, there is a need to define the requirements for a true automated machine learning platform. This article highlights the 10 capabilities that must be addressed to be considered a complete automated machine learning solution.

1. Preprocessing of Data

Each machine learning algorithm works differently, and has different data requirements. For example, some algorithms need numeric features to be normalized, and some require text processing that splits the text into words and phrases, which can be very complicated for languages like Japanese. Users should expect their automated machine learning platform to know how to best prepare data for every algorithm and following best practices for data partitioning.

2. Feature Engineering

Feature engineering is the process of altering the data to help machine learning algorithms work better, which is often time-consuming and can be expensive. While some feature engineering requires domain knowledge of the data and business rules, most feature engineering is generic. A true automated machine learning platform will engineer new features from existing numeric, categorical, and text features. The system should understand which algorithms benefit from extra feature engineering and which don’t, and only generate features that make sense given the data characteristics. View More