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AI Tools to Help You with Your Online Advertising Spend Posted on : Apr 23 - 2018

AI is making online advertising more efficient and easier to manage

Marketing your business online is a costly business. Gone are the days where you could rely on organic reach. You have to pay to play the game.

But getting your online advertising spend wrong could cost you a lot of money for little gain.

There are a range of artificial intelligence (AI) tools designed to counter that. In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the AI tools that can help you manage your online advertising spend.

Reveal Bot

Keeping tabs on your various online marketing campaigns and sending out that information to your team can be tough. But Reveal Bot is integrated with the popular team management platform Slack to send out live updates on how your various social media campaigns are going.

You’ll receive all the comprehensive details and you’ll be able to pause those campaigns if something has gone wrong directly from Slack. Data visualization tools make it even easier for you and your team to interpret the data and manage your spend.


Advertising in the wrong places is a primary reason why brands lose money on online advertising. Pathmatics will give you an insight into what your main competitors are doing.

It uses AI to figure out how much a specific brand has spent on its ads, where they’re running their ads, and what they’re targeting.

This will tell you not just about what your competitors are doing but where your audience is hanging out. Pathmatics could bring about some revolutionary changes in your online marketing department.


Zalster is an application that takes what social media platforms provide you and takes those tools to the next level. It uses the most advanced algorithms to optimize your ad bids, manage your budget, and refine your targeting. That way you can get the best possible results.

It comes with a central dashboard, which you can indulge in split testing from. Your split testing will be more efficient, and you’ll be able to visualize your campaigns. View More