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Big Data & Higher Education: How Are They Connected? Posted on : Nov 29 - 2019

Over the past few years, big data has become a significant part of our lives. Its influence is continually rising. Big data plays a role in nearly everything we do, from our navigation systems, to our Netflix recommendations, to our healthcare systems. At this point, you could probably pick any aspect of your life and find a way that big data has influenced it.

For example, think about higher education. Big data is playing a much bigger role in our choices of colleges and our experiences while there than we probably even realize. Universities are using big data in all sorts of interesting ways that benefit both their profit margins and the students attending the school.

Although there are certainly some substantial costs associated with the use of big data in the classroom, many would argue the benefits far outweigh them. Here are just a few of the ways big data is regularly being incorporated to help students become more successful in their learning environments.

Accounting for Learning Styles

Psychologists are learning more every day about the important differences in personality and how each of us sees and interacts with the world around us. Small changes in how we react and respond to things can make a huge difference in our learning styles and ultimately in how much information and positivity we get out of our college experiences. Because of this, many people take well-known personality tests rather seriously. View More