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Artificial Intelligence Connects the Brain to Computers Posted on : Jul 20 - 2019

Neuralink, the secretive neurotechnology startup of Elon Musk, revealed threads that can directly link a human brain to a computer.

This development targets paraplegics to control computers via implantable devices in their brain. This potentially can improve how people communicate and think.

The revolutionary tech giant Mr. Musk emphasized that the chip will help "preserve and enhance your own brain" and "ultimately achieve a sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence" in a conference in San Francisco.

Most of the entrepreneurs were revolutionary including online payments with PayPal, innovating the electric car industry through Tesla, and leading private space travel through SpaceX. However, the most innovative is that with Neuralink.

"The billionaire polymath founded the neurotechnology startup in order to put humans on a level with computers and ultimately counter what many perceive to be the existential risk posed by artificial intelligence," according to MSN.

"After solving a bunch of brain-related diseases... it will create a well-aligned future," he said.

His pet project has been in uttermost secrecy since it was founded in 2016. His goal then was to create an "ultra-high bandwidth" that will link a human brain to a computer. Musk believes that humans need to be at par with artificial intelligence's rapid advancements. He emphasizes that there is a possibility that machines will tend to look at humans the way humans perceive house pets. View More