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Machine Learning Helps Bloggers Secure More Traffic with Long-Tail Keywords Posted on : Jun 13 - 2019

Many bloggers get very frustrated after they have been working for a couple of months. They initially are excited about the possibility of making a six-figure stream of passive income. After they get started though, they discovered that the legwork can be overwhelming. The good news is that machine learning is making it much easier for them to create a successful blogging career, as Jeff Bullas points out.

One of the ways that machine learning has helped the most is with helping bloggers find profitable longtail keywords. A number of new keyword research tools are being released every year. They are not just available for bloggers trying to get more traffic on Google. They are also used for a variety of other platforms, such as Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram.

The importance of longtail keywords for blogging

New bloggers often have difficulty getting traffic to their websites. The problem is that they tend to focus on competitive, high-volume keywords. This is one of the things they learn to avoid when they start learning more about blogging.

The unfortunate reality is that they can be spending eons trying to get traffic this way. They would be better off focusing on a number of less competitive keywords that still provide a steady flow of traffic.

Here are two of the biggest benefits of targeting longtail keywords:

  • You can find lots of keywords that other bloggers are not targeting. As a result, you will have a much easier time getting to the top of the first page of Google for them.
  • Conversion rates for longtail keywords tend to be a lot higher because they are more specific. People searching for them have a more focused mindset and are often more committed to making a purchase. The average longtail keyword conversion rate is 36%, which is over three times as high as all keywords. View More